Friday, July 22, 2011

It's never late to get a love-ly makeover

WE have all been witness to women changing for their men. Whether it’s dressing up a little more grown up and glamorous, dressing down or losing weight — women are known to slowly and surely become what their partners’ idea of style and beauty is.

Kate Middleton: A fashion diplomat  |   Shane naturally handsome: Hurley


Lately though, there are a few courageous men who are embracing the procedure of a romantically driven makeover as a two- way street. Just like their women, they too, are making subtle changes in their wardrobe and grooming style to appear physically more complimentary. And women the world over couldn’t be happier.

And it’s a phenomenon that has cut through generations and geographical boundaries. So, it’s not a catch 'em young and watch 'em grow sort of thing or restricted to a particular region. The three men who have stepped up to suit their women’s personal style and subsequently come into the spotlight, all belong to different parts of the world, age groups, culture and race.

Politician Shashi Tharoor ( 55), cricketer Shane Warne (42) and Prince William (29) have all gone ahead and done something that is equated to being ‘ whipped’ by many a chauvinist; they’ve all changed physically to compliment the women in their lives. Women are anyway sold to men such as these who fight against all odds to stand by their love and give it the respect it deserves, and when they do all of that and even top it by making slight visible changes to compliment their girls is something even more endearing.


Prince William too has been keeping up with his new bride, the Dutchess of Cambridge. If she is being observed for losing too much weight to 'fit' into her new role, William too is being noticed spending time and effort in looking better than ever before.

Whether it's giving up his love for the fuddy duddy shirts or wearing labels that Kate's recommending, he's definitely changing it up to compliment his fashion forward and forever charming wife.

While both Mr Tharoor and William have been a little more easy on the change, cricketer Shane Warne has gone for the makeover like only a sportsman can — head first.

From ODing on the botox to finally getting a hair transplant, his detractors think he’s gone a bit too far to keep up with his glamorous girlfriend, Liz Hurley.

When he recently turned up looking absolutely crease-less for Elton John’s party in a designer tuxedo, there were many who cried: “ whipped much!?” While his makeover might be a bit extreme with visible weight loss, style change and frozen expression, one can’t deny the fact that he indeed looks mighty fine.


It’s instead considered as a gesture of respect, love and compatibility towards their partners.

When a woman marries a much younger, wealthier or better looking man, she is expected to keep up physically.

Why is it then that men aren’t expected to do the same? Far from being expected to, in most cultures they are often ridiculed for changing for their women.

How many times have we seen men continuing to wear what they ‘ think’ looks good on them, embarrassing their partners in the bargain? Gold jewellery, buttoned down shirts, permanent stubble or the same black shirt are some of the things women have had to struggle against on a daily basis. And just when you see one guy making that extra effort — cleaning up, losing weight, wearing more colour or accessorising a bit — men around him start to ridicule.

Hopefully it would end sometime soon. The new sign of machismo is not being metro or retrosexual.

It’s respecting the woman in your life and her superior knowledge of fashion. Only if there were more of this variety!

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